Thursday, May 29, 2008


Yes, I know, I failed to post for all of May. I forgot my password and had to try to recover it four times before stupid google-owned thing would allow me to just reset it without doing some weird blog integration thing.

May 1st- no blog assignment.

May 8th- "Blog post: reaction to movie and reading (and pull out specific themes/topics)"
  • I was not able to see the video at Kareem's, and haven't been able to obtain it since. I think Anne has it? So I will get that post done when I find it.

  • May 15th- "preliminary research on your topic. What is your process and progress. What have you found out so far?"
  • I'm not even frankly sure what I should be researching for this. I fail to see how going there, taking the pictures, and analyzing it there is going to fail. I asked my really close Com-obsessed friend if I should do any reading on advertising before I go, and she said short of taking Com 201 (which I actually am in the fall), there's not much I can do. Julie said I should research German advertising laws, but that has not been panning out. Several people have sent me photographs of German advertising, and thanks guys for the interest.
    creepy ad

    For some reason I'm tagged on facebook as this guy's armpit. Rachel, I'm telling you, I don't have erectile dysfunction. Last night wasn't typical at all, it's normally just fine...

    At the same time, though, I'm just not honestly that crazy about seeing things before I see them in context...that might sound weird, but I just don't want to see them yet.

    I guess I will try again with the advertising laws, but I'm a little "what's the point" at this point.

  • May 22nd- "Reaction to last week’s discussion"
  • The discussion this is referring to is the one in our groups, yes? I hate to say it, but there just was not a lot to talk about. We talked about our topics with each other. We managed to somehow angle the projects more toward identity without changing the substance of them. Prano said she wanted to look at high schools, and my mouth started regurgitating what I learned in 9th grade about how Germany has three types of high school: Gymnasium, Realschule, and Hauptschule. Prano apparently did not know this, and honestly I'm still not sure why I know this, other than the fact that five years ago Herr Beck thought we all should know this. It is interesting, and could definitely have an impact on everyone studying youth, like the Yarts group, if school was actually in session in Germany at that time. Overall, though, it was great because we sat on the grass and I bought candy.
  • Wasn't this topic changed, anyway? I'm going to go with the syllabus.

  • May 29th- "reaction to composition"
  • Honestly, I'm not sure what to think about this composition. We seemed to have a lot of trouble coming up with anything to do, and I felt like what we ended up doing was tacky. I felt like a lot of things Shanga criticized us on were misunderstandings between a rather literal history major and a very dramaish drama professor. There wasn't tension when we came together in a horizontal line because honestly there just isn't that much tension during a period of intense nationalism? I don't know. I am tired.